Thursday, 25 September 2014

When turbulence hits, hold your Vodka!

3.13am, my eyes jolt open. 3.15am, the alarm goes off. Poppy was already awake too, we are so excited for today. It reminded me of that Seinfeld episode where Kramer explains how he doesn't need an alarm clock because he sets it in his head and goes 'kapow!'

The taxi rocks up bang on 4.15am, just as we requested. It was raining heavily and the taxi driver explained in his very heavy Malay accent "oh just small rain, only 2 or 3 hours". Puts Darwin's rainfall to shame! He asked us what airline we are flying and as soon as I said Air India, he knew which terminal and exactly where in the terminal the Air India check in is. Legend.

Checked in we went to the lounge. It was the start of many firsts. First time in a lounge, first time in Business Class and the first time I had vodka at 6.30am.

Air India AI381 - Singapore to Delhi

As I mentioned just above, this is our first trip ever in Business Class. How's the leg room! Being a tall bean pole this is freaking amazeballs!! The brekky served on a plastic plate, so long al-foil tins of goop. Flying the brand new 787 Dreamliner was great. Huge windows, the cabin didn't dry out like normal and my word how good are business class seats?!

Landed in Delhi just ahead of schedule under hazy skies. Going through the security checkpoint I was 'lucky' enough to get a sly feel in the nether regions. It's security, I know they need to do it but it was a bit of a 'oh wow did that just happen' moment.

Air India AI111 - Delhi to London

Boeing 777-300 this time. No where near as full in the business cabin. The standard in service has kicked up 21642%. Personally escorted to our seats, three juices before take off, never ending lunch service (had my standard Vodka/Lemonade and lunch was served with Chardonnay). Hors d'oeuvre of a weird yet tasty chicken, apple and slaw combination followed by a very spicy chicken in coriander and mint curry served with Indian sides on a proper china plate, with a real smile from the crew. The Captain even came out for a minute and spoke to a guy, I think one of his friends is a passenger. 

The lunch was served high over Afghanistan. We all know this place all too well for it's conflicts and extremist groups. However the scenery is...I don't know. It literally took my breath away. Photos just don't do it justice. The options for Western entertainment are very limited. Bollywood all the way with Air India, and rightly so. In fact as I look over Poppy is watching a Bollywood blockbuster!

The flight path eventually took us high over Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakstan and Russia before heading into Western Europe. The Russians nearly ruined my vodka as a couple of sharp turbulent jolts nearly made my drink spill all over me. Crises averted, vodka went down very, very well.

We landed and sat on a taxi way for 20 minutes whilst Heathrow battled through some peak time issues.

We are now in Dartford! A bit out of the way from London but it's a very nice hotel, especially for the dirt cheap price we paid. A beer in the bar and a shower went down a treat. However there's no power getting to my phone when I plug it in to charge, this could be a problem! Oh well.

London tomorrow. Feel like a rich kid waiting for the toy store to open for Christmas...

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